

Consul-General of Spain in Athens, was recognized as Righteous Among the Nations on February 26, 2014. Radigales arrived in Greece in April 1943, a month after the deportation of the Jews from Thessaloniki to Auschwitz had begun. He did everything possible to protect the 510 Jews with Sephardic connections and, despite the objection of the Spanish government, tried in vain to arrange for their repatriation. Thanks to his efforts, 367 of these Jews were taken to the Bergen Belsen camp in Germany and in early 1944 were permitted to leave for Morocco. In September 1943 the Germans occupied the south of Greece, including Athens, which until that time was under Italian control. Again, Radiglales intervened on behalf of 155 Jews of Spanish heritage, and they too were taken to Bergen Belsen to be exchanged.